11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 26 INT. RAIDER - COCKPIT O'Brien and Sisko are at the controls of the rebel ship. Sisko, now that he's alone with O'Brien, has dropped the Captain Sisko persona. O'Brien looks apprehensive. He scratches behind his ear. SISKO Don't do that. O'BRIEN I can't help it. It itches. (scratches a little) I hope this works. SISKO It'll work. Just stop scratching. O'Brien forces himself to stop scratching behind his ear. O'BRIEN You know, you did pretty good back there. I don't think anyone suspected you weren't Captain Sisko. (a beat) At least not once you hit Bashir. SISKO But you and I both know that was just a warm up. Jennifer's the one I really have to convince. O'BRIEN I guess seeing her isn't going to be easy for you. How long's it been since your wife died? SISKO Five years. O'BRIEN Well just remember... Jennifer may look like your wife, but she's not. She's a different person.