DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23 INT. CAVES - MAIN CHAMBER Sisko has gathered together his lieutenants for a strategy session. In addition to O'Brien, Dax, and Bashir, Rom and Tuvok are also present. SISKO Trying to reach Terok Nor using small fighters didn't work. But we need to get Jennifer off that station, and we need to do it soon. BASHIR We've been meaning to talk to you about that. TUVOK Mister Bashir is not convinced that you can persuade your former mate to join our cause. SISKO I can be very persuasive. BASHIR Look, I don't even know why we're bothering to discuss this. The Cardassians destroyed your ship before you even got close to Terok Nor. BASHIR O'BRIEN (overlapping (overlapping, with O'Brien) aside to Sisko) And even if you had made Hit him. it there, there was no (off reaction) guarantee you could've That's what the Captain convinced your wife of would do. anything. (pushing) (a beat) Go on, hit him. Let's face it, Captain, the woman hates you.