DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/03/95 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK I will say one thing for him. He had spirit. KIRA Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. It tends to infect others. In the background, the overseer finishes rounding up the workers chosen by Kira. GARAK At least that's something we won't have to worry about anymore. With Sisko's death, and the imminent completion of the transpectral sensor array, the Rebellion is certain to collapse. KIRA You sound very sure of yourself. GARAK I am. KIRA I'll remember that. That way if the Rebellion continues, I'll know who to blame. In the background, the guards execute the workers. Kira EXITS. 22 INT. CAVES - PRIVATE CHAMBER Dax is lounging on the sleeping cushion. Sisko is studying a PADD. SISKO Are you sure these Alliance patrol patterns are accurate? DAX You tell me. You're the one who gathered the information. SISKO (covering) Oh, that's right. DAX Are you okay? You seem distracted.