DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/02/95 - ACT TWO 17-18. 19 CONTINUED: GARAK Not at all. I've done everything I can think of to motivate the workers. KIRA Such as? GARAK Bribes... torture... I've even given the overseers permission to execute any worker who's not meeting the quota. KIRA I'm sure that pleases the overseers, but it's not getting the job done. (thinks a beat, then... ) Come with me. She EXITS. He follows her. 20 OMITTED 21 INT. ORE PROCESSING CENTER (OPTICAL) As hellish and dark as when we saw it in "CROSSOVER." Terran laborers work in terrible conditions to process the dirty ore. Kira and Garak ENTER, and are immediately joined by a Cardassian overseer and two Bajoran guards. Kira looks around at the hellish squalor, then points at three random workers. KIRA Lets start with... (pointing at each) Him, him, and her.