160:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 16. 17 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (covering his surprise) Jadzia. She pushes her way toward him, throws her arms around his neck, and gives him a passionate kiss. DAX That's to let you know I missed you. Dax then steps back and slaps Sisko across the face. DAX And that's for letting me think you were dead. Sisko smiles and rubs his cheek. SISKO Glad to see you still care. Dax smiles, then turns and walks away. She looks back at Sisko. DAX You coming or not? All the rebels grin as Dax walks out of the room. The scarred privateer gives Sisko a man-bonding pat on the back. Sisko takes O'Brien aside. SISKO (sotto voce) I thought you said I was married. O'BRIEN You are... technically. She's your mistress. SISKO I see what you meant by surprises. And as Sisko tries to decide what to do next, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE