98:[2,#b],194:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 13. 15 CONTINUED: SISKO You don't look very confident, Chief... O'BRIEN You better start calling me Smiley. That's what the Captain called me. SISKO All right... "Smiley." O'BRIEN I just wish we had more time to get you ready. I probably haven't told you half of what you need to know. I hope you don't run up against too many surprises. Sisko steps onto the transporter pad. SISKO If I do, I guess I'll just have to... improvise. Sisko smiles. O'Brien joins Sisko on the pad and they beam out. 16 INT. CAVES - MAIN CHAMBER The central meeting hall for Sisko's group of rebels. There are a number of familiar faces in the crowd. One or two supernumeraries we've seen before on Deep Space Nine, the scarred privateer from "CROSSOVER," and a hardened, heavily armed professional soldier named ROM. The rebels are in the middle of a vociferous argument, with one faction lead by JULIAN BASHIR and the other by TUVOK, the Vulcan from "VOYAGER." They're a stark contrast in styles. Tuvok is a coldly logical soldier, and Bashir's a hothead with a scruffy four days growth of beard and a permanent bad attitude. BASHIR (to all) I told Sisko he'd never get close to Terok Nor, and I was right.