DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: But Jennifer stays where she is. JENNIFER If you're wondering when the new sensor array will be finished, the answer is-- KIRA (finishing for her) As soon as possible. I know. JENNIFER Will that be all? (off Kira's reaction) I have to get back to work. Kira stands up and approaches Jennifer. KIRA I have news about your husband. JENNIFER Nothing you could tell me about Ben would interest me. I haven't even seen him in five years. KIRA I know that. And I hope that will make this easier for you. You see... Benjamin is dead. Jennifer betrays no feeling whatsoever. JENNIFER Can I go now? KIRA You must've loved him very much to be so angry with him. To have become... so cold.