12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/6/95 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 8 INT. RAIDER - QUARTERS The doors open and Sisko ENTERS, followed by the Mirror O'Brien, who is still holding a phaser on him. O'BRIEN Why don't you sit down... make yourself comfortable? SISKO (re: the phaser) Maybe I'm not feeling too comfortable right now. Sisko turns his back to O'Brien to sit down. O'Brien relaxes for a moment. Suddenly Sisko pivots back to face O'Brien, knocking the phaser away with his forearm, and with his other hand clipping O'Brien on the jaw. As O'Brien hits the wall, Sisko wrests the phaser away and turns it on O'Brien. SISKO There, that's better. But to Sisko's surprise, O'Brien smiles as if Sisko's action has been somehow reassuring to him. O'BRIEN That was a pretty good move. SISKO I'm glad you liked it. O'BRIEN But it still doesn't change anything. You can't go home unless I reconfigure the transporter, and I'm not about to do that. (off Sisko's reaction) I guess you've got a lot of questions. SISKO Not as many as you think. O'BRIEN You know where we are?