46:[3,#b],126:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Computer, energize on my command. Never taking his phaser off Sisko, O'Brien steps up to the transporter and plays the (TECH) device over the base, then joins Sisko on the pad. O'BRIEN Energize. They beam out. 6 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) With a ship very similar to the Maquis raider we saw in the Voyager pilot. 7 INT. RAIDER - TRANSPORTER AREA (OPTICAL) A small transporter alcove like the one on the Defiant, but less "Starfleet clean." Sisko and O'Brien beam in. Sisko takes stock of his surroundings. SISKO Where are we? O'BRIEN I guess you might say we just stepped through the looking glass. And as Sisko reacts to this, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER