DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/25/95 - ACT TWO 18. 10 CONTINUED: (3) ODO Let's find out. Odo takes the dropper and is about to use it, but Retaya grabs his hand firmly. RETAYA I really don't think your lady friend will like the aroma... Odo leans in close toward Retaya. ODO Much less the fact that when these three... "fragrances" are combined, they produce a gaseous mixture that can trigger a fatal heart attack when inhaled. Retaya does his best to seem aghast at this news. RETAYA I had no idea... ODO Then why did you stop me from mixing them? RETAYA As I said, I simply didn't think your friend would like the aroma... The two men regard each other... both knowing that Odo suspects Retaya, but both knowing he doesn't have anything to pin on him. RETAYA Unless you have anymore questions, I'd like to go now. I have deliveries to make on Cardassia. ODO I'll let you know when you can leave the station. Odo EXITS. Off Retaya's face as he tries not to show concern over this... 11 INT. QUARK'S where Odo, Garak and Bashir are talking with QUARK by the bar. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed, including the Two Security Officers assigned to Garak.