DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/25/95 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: GARAK But who would want to kill me... a simple tailor? 7 WIDEN to include Sisko and Odo, who share a look over Garak's disingenuous remark. Bashir is treating Garak's wounds with a small medical device. TWO SECURITY OFFICERS hang back by the door. ODO A simple tailor who used to be an agent of the Obsidian Order. GARAK (dismissing this) The Obsidian Order? Constable, you shouldn't put so much stock in Doctor Bashir's flights of fancy. (beat) Are you sure the explosion wasn't an accident, because I can't think of anyone who would wish me harm... Sisko fixes him with a look... SISKO Someone tried to kill you, Garak, and whoever it was might try again... so if I were you, I'd give the matter some serious thought... Garak sees his point, considers for a moment... GARAK Well... let me see... there was that Nausicaan whose wedding suit I misplaced... and that Yridian I owe money to... and, of course, there's always Major Kira... BASHIR This is serious, Garak. GARAK I'm being serious. I don't think she likes me. ODO She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be.