DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - 01/25/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK You're going to give yourself indigestion. BASHIR And I'll have you to thank for it. If you hadn't been late, I'd be able to enjoy my lunch. GARAK This isn't the first time I've seen you rush through a meal. You never take the time to savor your food. It seems to be a human characteristic. Garak looks over and sees that at another table, a HUMAN is having lunch with an N.D. ALIEN. GARAK Look over there... that Talarian isn't even half finished with his meal, but his human companion's plate is empty. BASHIR Maybe he and I should get together for dessert and leave you and the Talarian to wile away the afternoon. GARAK It's a very interesting sociological trait, don't you think? For generations now, humankind has had more than enough food... yet you all eat as if you were afraid someone was going to come along and take your plate away. Bashir, who's finished his meal, eyes Garak's nearly untouched plate. BASHIR Garak, why don't you eat for a while and let me talk? GARAK (musing) Fear of starvation amid plenty... it points to some dark secret hidden in the human soul... a gnawing hunger. Someone should do a study.