29:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - REV. 01/05/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 72 CONTINUED: FUTURE O'BRIEN You've got your answer. The quantum singularity that's been orbiting the station. It's the Romulans. Past O'Brien is having trouble focusing. Future O'Brien leans closer to him. FUTURE O'BRIEN (urgent) Are you listening? The Romulans use a confined singularity to power their warp core. That's what we've been detecting -- that's the cause of the time shifts. Another JOLT. FUTURE O'BRIEN (continuing) Now go back and tell them to put the shields up and stand by for an attack. Past O'Brien is fading fast. He tries to focus on Future O'Brien's face as Sisko ENTERS in the b.g. SISKO We've got three blocked corridors in the Habitat Ring. Send medical teams to Levels Two and Three. KIRA I still can't get weapon systems back on-line, Commander. We're defenseless. SISKO Have you tried hailing the Romulans? DAX We've tried. There's no answer. A difficult beat as Sisko makes the choice. SISKO Evacuate the station.