163:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 69 CONTINUED: FUTURE O'BRIEN What... ? Computer, lights. The lights come ON, and Future O'Brien looks at his past self with weariness -- he's had enough of this time jumping business. FUTURE O'BRIEN (continuing) Not you again. What is it now? PAST O'BRIEN (difficult) Listen to me... I've jumped ahead and seen your future -- don't ask me how, it'll take too long to explain. (catches his breath) There's going to be a disaster... DS Nine will be destroyed. Future O'Brien sits bolt upright at that. FUTURE O'BRIEN Destroyed? How? PAST O'BRIEN I don't know. That's why I'm here... I have to find out what's going to happen... and then travel back... into the past and prevent it. Future O'Brien nods, then takes a closer look at the obviously ill Past O'Brien. FUTURE O'BRIEN You look pretty bad. PAST O'BRIEN It's the... radiation. FUTURE O'BRIEN But if you feel bad... and you're my past self... shouldn't I be feeling bad too... ? They both frown at this confusing notion. FUTURE O'BRIEN PAST O'BRIEN (simultaneously) (simultaneously) I hate temporal mechanics. I hate temporal mechanics. They exchange a look, then Past O'Brien tries to focus on the task at hand.