DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 52 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Sisko and Odo ENTER. ODO We finally were able to localize the transporter beam and trace it back to this location. SISKO These quarters have been vacant for weeks. ODO Somehow, they overrode the security lock on the door to gain access. SISKO So what did they do... bring in a portable transporter and beam the surveillance equipment into the bulkhead? ODO That was my first thought. Then I realized a portable transporter is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment to be carrying around the halls. SISKO That's true. Odo moves to the replicator. ODO So then I began thinking about the replicator. Odo opens a small panel on the wall near the replicator, revealing a maze of crossed circuitry and equipment that does not look like it belongs there. Sisko peers at it. SISKO They realigned the matter-energy conversion matrix. ODO Turning it into a small transporter. A very sophisticated, very professional job.