DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - ACT TWO 17. 26 INT. PROMENADE - CONTINUOUS Sisko and Kira walking along. KIRA The Romulans want to debrief everyone who was on the Defiant when it was captured by the Founders. They're also still not happy with the sensor information collected by the Defiant. So they want unrestricted access to the Defiant. And they want complete access to all our personal logs. SISKO Personal logs are out of the question. But they can have limited access to the Defiant, and I'll let them debrief us as well. Kira looks obviously unhappy at this, and Sisko stops for a moment. SISKO (continuing) I know they're pushing us, Major. But consider their position. No Romulan ships have ever been into the Gamma Quadrant, much less encountered the Dominion. So they're completely dependent on us for information. KIRA Then maybe they should send their own ships through the wormhole and find out for themselves... SISKO The Romulans generally prefer to sit back and pull the strings from a distance if they can. They continue walking. KIRA Well this is one puppet who doesn't like her strings pulled. SISKO I know. But like Ruwon said, they've lived up to their end of the bargain. And we have to do everything we can to live up to ours.