DEEP SPACE: "Visionary" - 01/03/95 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: SISKO (to Odo) I wasn't aware there were any Klingons on the station, Constable. ODO They just arrived a few hours ago. It seems the main computer on their freighter was damaged and they need a complete overhaul before they can continue back to the Klingon Empire. KIRA How long will this overhaul take? The Klingon belches loudly. ODO (with distaste) Two days, at least. Sisko inclines his head at Odo, who steps aside for a private meeting. SISKO (quietly) The Romulan delegation has arrived and they're going to be here for at least two days while they study our intelligence reports on the Dominion. I want you to keep a close eye on the Klingons. We don't need any trouble right now. ODO Understood. (to guards) Let's go. Odo and the guards drag off the Klingon. Sisko and Kira head down the corridor... CUT TO: 4 INT. AIRLOCK As Sisko and Kira arrive. Two N.D. Security Guards are standing outside the airlock. Kira nods to a guard, who hits a control and the airlock doors OPEN. TWO large, burly N.D. Romulan Guards walk out and look around impassively.