DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - REV. 12/12/94 - ACT FIVE 48. 48 CONTINUED: ZEK (re: the Orb) I see you've brought the Orb of Wisdom with you. That should do the trick. (conspiratorial) If you really want to get their attention, open the box. That's what I did. Quark tries to get his courage up. The ship shakes violently. QUARK Sounds simple enough. ZEK Better hurry. (a warning) I got the dampening field on this ship for a substantial discount. Quark nods, takes a deep breath, and opens up the ark. There's a bright FLASH, and we... CUT TO: 49 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) Just like in "EMISSARY." The same altered reality. The same SOUND of Quark's heartbeat and breathing, and suddenly, there's a... 50 RUSH OF IMAGES (OPTICAL) Four separate shots, each less than a second (unless otherwise specified, images are from this episode): --Sisko in his office holding out the Nagus's cane for Quark to kiss... (from "THE SEARCH, PT. I") --Kira confronting Quark on the Promenade... --Emi stroking Quark's ears in his quarters... --Dax and Quark playing tongo in Quark's... (from "RULES OF ACQUISITION") 51 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) As before. Heartbeat... breathing...