DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 43 NEW ANGLE - ZEK'S P.O.V. As Maihar'du pulls out a huge black sack and brings the mouth of the sack over Zek's head, cutting off his vision. CUT TO BLACK. 44 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Quark and Rom hurry down the corridor, checking to make sure the coast is clear, then signal Maihar'du, who follows them carrying the black sack, which is now full of Nagus, over one shoulder. Quark hesitates for a moment, then suddenly turns to Maihar'du. QUARK Wait. I have to be sure that he's all right. Maihar'du dutifully turns around so that Quark has access to the other side of the sack. QUARK (talking to the sack) Grand Nagus, can you hear me? Are you okay? ZEK (O.S.) (from inside sack) Don't worry, Quark. I forgive you. QUARK (to Rom, horrified) You hear that? (more determined than ever) We have to help him. Maihar'du and Rom nod and off they go. 45 INT. THE NAGUS'S SHUTTLE As they ENTER. Quark sits down in the pilot's seat and Maihar'du deposits the sack in the seat beside him. The ark containing the orb is also visible in the cabin. ROM Brother, this is a very brave thing you're doing.