DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT THREE 34. 22 CONTINUED: (4) ZEK (to Quark and Maihar'du) Come along. We have a lot of work to do before then. (with deep concern) So many needy people, so little time. Zek and Quark EXIT, leaving Bashir alone in the Infirmary, puzzled and more than a little amused. 23 INT. DOCKING RING AIRLOCK Quark and Rom are at the far end of the airlock, standing in front of the bulkhead of the Grand Nagus's personal shuttle. They've pried off an access plate and Rom is trying to override the door controls and break in. QUARK Aren't you done yet? ROM Breaking into the Nagus's personal shuttle somehow seems wrong, Brother. QUARK I don't care. I have to know what he intends to give to the Bajorans. ROM But the Nagus wants it to be a surprise. QUARK I hate surprises. Now hurry it up, before someone... Quark trails off as a huge shadow looms over them. They turn around and see... 24 NEW ANGLE Maihar'du standing over them. He holds out an ominous-looking device and points it out toward them. QUARK (covering) Maihar'du. As you can see, my brother and I were just repairing the door locks on the Nagus's...