113:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT THREE 31. 22 CONTINUED: Bashir completes his scan. BASHIR Well, I must say, for a Ferengi of your age, you're in excellent health. That is, aside from some vascular damage to your mucus membranes. You really should stop using beetle snuff. ZEK As a matter of fact, I already have. BASHIR Glad to hear it. Bashir begins to put away his instruments. QUARK Does this mean you're going to have to go in for some exploratory surgery? BASHIR Why would I do that? QUARK To find out what's wrong with him. BASHIR There's nothing wrong with him, Quark. QUARK That's not true. There's something deeply wrong with him, and you have to find out what it is. BASHIR I performed every test I can think of. There's no sign of trauma, brain damage, mental illness. His central nervous system's operating within normal parameters, and his endocrine system's in terrific shape.