11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS Quark ENTERS, pulling Rom after him by his ear. ROM Brother, I don't have time to talk to you. I have work to do. QUARK That's right, you do. In the bar. And it's time you got started. And make sure the rest of my employees go with you. ROM That's impossible. You saw how busy they are. I'm afraid you might have to hire some new waiters. QUARK Look, whatever the Nagus is paying, I'll match it. ROM He's not paying us anything. We're donating our time to help launch the Benevolent Association. (proudly) I'm the association's senior administrator. You know brother, I never realized how many people there are who could use a little help. QUARK If you don't get down to the bar right now, you're going to be the one who needs help. ROM The Nagus said you'd react like this. QUARK The Nagus is a very smart man. ROM He's more than that. He's a visionary. He has plans, brother. And I'm going to be part of them.