DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT TWO 22. 15 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK But we have a contract. ZEK Which was never signed. And frankly Quark, you were charging an outrageous price for those stem bolts. QUARK She didn't seem to think so. ZEK She did once I explained it to her. QUARK You what? ZEK I couldn't let you take advantage of an innocent young woman like that, Quark. So I told her where she could get all the stem bolts she needed... at wholesale. QUARK (crushed) Wholesale? (to Rom) He told her where to get them at wholesale. Quark wanders off in a daze. QUARK What am I going to do with a hundred gross of stem bolts? Rom and the Nagus watch him go. ROM My poor brother. ZEK Don't worry about him. Eventually, he'll sell those stem bolts... at a fair price. ROM (bewildered) A fair price? I'm very confused.