DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I appreciate that, Jadzia. DAX (after a beat) So who do you think is going to win? Wade or P'Trell? And as Bashir sighs... 8 INT. ROM'S QUARTERS A tired Quark steps out of the bedroom, having just gotten dressed. He looks around at the disaster area that passes for Rom's Quarters. There are clothes and unwashed dishes everywhere. Quark goes to the replicator. QUARK (to replicator) A cup of millipede juice, hold the shells. We hear the sound of the replicator working (off screen) and Quark reaches in and pulls out a steaming hot cup of bright yellow liquid. He takes a sip. It's good, but not enough to elevate his mood. He sits down on a clothes-strewn couch, grimaces, reaches around and pulls an empty bottle out from under his butt. QUARK (annoyed) Rom. Rom sticks his head out of his bedroom. He's using a Ferengi tool vaguely reminiscent of an electric toothbrush to clean his ears. ROM Did you call me, brother? QUARK Would it be too much trouble for you to put these empty bottles in the replicator? ROM Keeping my quarters clean is Nog's job.