DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - REV. 12/12/94 - ACT ONE 8. 7 CONTINUED: DAX You don't know that. The work you've been doing deserves to be recognized. BASHIR This isn't about my work. Do you know what the life expectancy of a Carrington Award winner is? (before she can answer) Five years. Ten at the very best. And do you know why? (answering his own question) Because the Carrington Award is intended to be the crowning achievement for a lifetime in medicine. April Wade is a hundred and six. The last time she was nominated, three years ago, people said it was premature. DAX Julian, you're exaggerating. BASHIR Maybe a little. But the undeniable truth is I am far too young to be a serious candidate for the Carrington. Now, put my name up for nomination in seventy years, and I promise you, I will get extremely excited. But until then, I don't plan on giving it much thought. DAX That's a very mature attitude. BASHIR You sound surprised. DAX Actually, I'm astounded. But impressed. BASHIR So then we don't have to dwell on this for the next three days. DAX I won't mention it again.