DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - REV. 12/12/94 - ACT ONE 6. 5 CONTINUED: SISKO Congratulations, Doctor. BASHIR Thank you. (smiles) Now will someone please tell me what's going on here? SISKO The Federation Medical Council has announced the nominees for this year's Carrington Award. And they are... (reading off a PADD) Doctor April Wade of the University of Nairobi, Healer Senva of the Vulcan Medical Institute, Doctor Henri Roget of the Central Hospital of Altair Four, Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell of Andoria, and... (looks up) Doctor Julian Bashir, Chief Medical Officer of Starbase Deep Space Nine. Everyone crowds around Bashir to congratulate him. BASHIR There must be some mistake. As far as I know, my name wasn't even up for consideration. DAX Oh, it was up for consideration. I submitted it myself... through an old friend of Curzon's. KIRA You deserve the nomination, Doctor. Your work on biomolecular replication was "both audacious and groundbreaking." (smiles) According to Dax anyway. She's the only one who understands it. O'BRIEN So how does it feel to be the youngest nominee in the history of the Carrington award?