11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Prophet Motive" - 12/07/94 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 3 INT. INFIRMARY BASHIR is checking some calculation from a PADD against those on one of his wall monitors when his combadge CHIRPS. SISKO (O.S.) (on com) Sisko to Bashir. BASHIR (to com) This is Bashir. SISKO (O.S.) (on com) Doctor, please report to the wardroom immediately. BASHIR On my way. Bashir EXITS. 4 INT. WARDROOM On the door as it opens and Bashir ENTERS. He stops in his tracks when he sees... 5 NEW ANGLE SISKO, KIRA, DAX, O'BRIEN, and a handful of other Starfleet and Bajoran officers all standing facing the door, holding glasses of champagne. Everyone cheers. BASHIR What's this? Dax approaches with two glasses of champagne and hands one to Bashir. DAX (playful) Champagne. She leads Julian over to the others.