DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 57 CONTINUED: Sisko sees the same TEST PATTERN on an off-camera display in the shuttlepod. SISKO How is that possible? DAX (off console) I'm not sure... I'm reading a subspace filament leading back through the wormhole... it's acting almost like a carrier wave... O'BRIEN The comet fragments... they left a trail of silithium in the wormhole. ULANI The silithium particles must have interacted with the wormhole's ambient radiation... GILORA And created the filament... END INTERCUT ON SHUTTLE: SISKO It's almost like the wormhole's been wedged open just a crack... enough to let subspace signals through... Kira suddenly realizes something... an astonished look comes across her face... KIRA (softly) The prophecy came true... all of it... we just misinterpreted Trakor's words... Sisko turns to her... KIRA The three vipers... he wasn't talking about the Cardassians... he meant the three comet fragments... Sisko realizes where she's going... it's all beginning to make sense to him... a sense of wonder overtakes them both as they realize what's occurred...