DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 45 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it emerges from the wormhole in the Alpha Quadrant. 46 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as before, Dax in command. DAX Hold position here... they could be in for a rough ride. Stand by transporters in case we need to beam them off the shuttlepod when they clear the wormhole. 47 INT. SHUTTLEPOD as the trembling stops. SISKO We're in position... activate the subspace field... KIRA (works) Field engaged... 48 EXT. SPACE - SHUTTLEPOD (OPTICAL) as a bubble fritzes on for a moment, just big enough to surround the three fragments and the pod... then fritzes off... 49 INT. SHUTTLEPOD SISKO (off console) We'll reach the entrance to the wormhole in... five seconds...