37:[1,#b],69:[1,#b],171:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT FIVE 51. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO The Order has always been opposed to the peace treaty with Bajor. So they sent you to sabotage the relay... because if the first joint venture between Cardassia and Bajor was a failure, it would probably be the last. DEJAR That's all speculation, Commander... you have no proof. Kira steps toward her. KIRA If it was sabotage, a DNA scan of the coupling will probably reveal who was responsible. Sisko turns to TWO N.D.'s. SISKO (re: Dejar) Take her to quarters and detain her there. The N.D.'s comply, and the three EXIT. Sisko turns to the others, focuses them on the task at hand. SISKO Now that the comet's been fractured into smaller pieces, can we use the tractor beams to deflect them? ULANI They'd just disintegrate further, releasing more silithium. SISKO If we can't stop the fragments, is there any way we can prevent the silithium from interacting with the wormhole? DAX Maybe if we could contain it, somehow... Everyone considers for a moment...