11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT FIVE 50. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 41 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE - SECONDS LATER O'Brien is poking around the blown-out panel with some tools... Gilora is right next to him, and Sisko looks on over their shoulders. O'Brien seems shocked by what he's found. O'BRIEN The main emitter coupling has been depolarized... I must've accidentally inverted the power flow when I was trying to modify the phaser array. O'Brien stares at the panel in astonishment... he's blaming himself for what happened, and he can't believe he was so stupid. As he talks, Gilora looks over at Dejar... their eyes lock... Dejar's expression is icy... as if defying Gilora to say anything... O'BRIEN (over above action) I can't believe it... a first year Engineering student wouldn't make a mistake like that... Gilora makes her decision... GILORA This wasn't your fault, Mister O'Brien... and it wasn't an accident. Dejar stiffens... Ulani reacts, afraid of what Gilora is about to do... ULANI (don't) Gilora... But Gilora ignores her well-meaning warning... GILORA Dejar is a member of the Obsidian Order... she was assigned to our team for "security" reasons. I think she sabotaged the coupling. Sisko glares at Dejar... whose face gives away nothing. Sisko considers this revelation, puts the pieces together...