DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT THREE 36. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO Report. DAX (off console) Somehow the carrier wave caused the wormhole to open... KIRA (off console) The wormhole's gravity well has increased by a factor of three... SISKO (standing) Terminate the carrier wave and maintain our position... 27 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as before, the Defiant and relay in the foreground, the wormhole open behind them. After a beat the wormhole flashes shut. 28 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS KIRA Gravimetric fields have returned to normal... SISKO What happened? ULANI I'm not sure... the carrier wave shouldn't have affected the wormhole at all. SISKO Was there any damage to the relay? DEJAR None... I'm still receiving the test signal. An alarm goes off on Dax's console. Sisko moves to look over her shoulder. DAX Benjamin... the gravitational surge altered the course of the comet... (beat) It's now heading directly toward the wormhole...