DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT THREE 35. 24 CONTINUED: ULANI If they receive it on the station, they'll send an acknowledging signal on the same frequency. A beat as everyone waits to see what happens. DAX I'm not receiving anything... ULANI Then we have to assume it didn't work. (to Dax) Let's try the theta band frequency. Dax works her console... DAX Initiating carrier wave... There's a beat... Dax suddenly responds to something on her console. DAX Something's wrong... I'm picking up a neutrino surge from the wormhole... 25 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it hangs in space near the communications relay. Suddenly the wormhole opens in the background -- the effect should be more violent and unstable than what we've seen before. 26 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as the ship is jolted violently.