DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT TWO 21. 10 CONTINUED: (2) Dejar nods curtly. GILORA (to Dejar) May I introduce Jadzia Dax... and Miles O'Brien... This is our colleague Dejar. ULANI We weren't expecting you so soon. DEJAR I was able to arrange... special transportation. GILORA (softly) I'm sure you were. An awkward moment... then Quark reacts as a FERENGI WAITER approaches the table. The waiter starts to set down a few small appetizer plates with Cardassian food. Quark tries to inject some energy into the now silent group. QUARK I took the liberty of preparing a few of our special Cardassian delicacies... Ulani and Gilora react with surprise, exchange a look. ULANI Tojal in yamok sauce... GILORA Regova eggs... QUARK All fresh, not replicated. Well... enjoy.