DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: KIRA (realizing) The Qui'al dam was just put back into operation to divert water to the city. YARKA Just as Trakor prophesied over three thousand years ago. (grave) And even now, the vipers are making their way here. SISKO I take it you think the vipers are a reference to the Cardassian scientists. YARKA Yes... and this station is their nest in the sky. Sisko chooses his words carefully; even though he doesn't quite believe any of this, he's being cautious. SISKO And how, exactly, will their presence here bring destruction on us all? YARKA Trakor said that "when the vipers try to peer through the temple gates... a sword of stars will appear in the heavens... (dire) -- the temple will burn... and its gates will be cast open... " Yarka turns to Sisko, makes an impassioned plea. YARKA You must not let the Cardassians come here... you must not let them violate the celestial temple... or they will destroy it. And Bajor will be cut off from the Prophets forever. SISKO Slow down... let me get this straight. You're saying that the vipers -- the Cardassians -- are going to destroy the wormhole?