138:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - TEASER 6. 2 CONTINUED: (5) They head for the door... off Quark's dejected face as he looks at the useless bottles... 3 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko is alone, studying his monitor. KIRA ENTERS from Ops. KIRA Excuse me, Commander... there's a Vedek Yarka here to see you. He says it's urgent. Sisko nods, and she turns and motions to someone behind her. YARKA ENTERS; he's forty or fifty, with a kind face and a gentle smile. YARKA Thank you for seeing me, Emissary... SISKO What can I do for you? YARKA I'm here to bring a warning from the Prophets... They don't want you to let the Cardassians come aboard the station... if you do, you will bring destruction on us all... As Sisko and Kira react we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER