88:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK ... but of course, if some Cardassians happened to bring their voles along... and they happened to get into a fight, I could hardly be held responsible for what -- ODO Oh, yes you could. SISKO And you will be. In the background, Dax puts some Kanar on her finger to taste it... QUARK (annoyed) Fine... forget the vole fights. But I'll tell you this, good Kanar is hard to find. And I have three cases of it. But that's just the beginning. Soon, Quark's will become known as the best place for Cardassian food and drink in this sector. I'll probably set up daily shipments from Cardassia... I may even need to buy my own transport ship. Dax makes a face when she tastes the Kanar... DAX Quark, this Kanar's gone bad... QUARK What? Quark grabs the bottle, tastes it. He grimaces, struggles to hold it down. The other three exchange amused looks... ODO I suggest you take your bottles and leave, Quark, before I have you arrested for attempting to poison our guests...