DEEP SPACE: "Destiny" - REV. 12/19/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO The Cardassians seem sure that it will. DAX I hope they're right... Suddenly the door OPENS and QUARK ENTERS, carrying TWO BOTTLES of Kanar, each with a little card attached. QUARK Whose quarters are these? Gilora's or Ulani's? Sisko and Odo exchange a look. ODO Ulani's... but how do you know their names? I was just informed an hour ago. QUARK (insulted by the question) Odo, please... (beat) I have a bottle of Kanar for each of them, along with a personal invitation to Quark's... Dax takes one of the bottles and looks it over. DAX Where'd you get real Kanar? QUARK I've had three cases in my storeroom since the occupation. There hasn't been much demand for it these past few years... (beaming) -- but that's about to change. Sisko hates to disabuse him of this notion, but... SISKO There are only two Cardassians coming to the station. How much Kanar do you think they can drink?