12:[2,#b] STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - 11/17/94 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 48 INT. CAVERN CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS As before. Odo makes no move to leave. KIRA Odo, what are you standing there for? I told you to get out of here. ODO I'm not leaving. KIRA Constable, I gave you a direct order. ODO You can order me all you want. As of now, I'm resigning my commission. KIRA Odo, if you stay here, you'll die. ODO You don't know that for certain. And even if it were true, I'm not going to abandon you. There's another quake, a fairly strong one. KIRA But I want you to go. Odo looks tortured. ODO Don't you understand? I can't. KIRA You have to. Odo doesn't say anything. KIRA Please, Odo. There's another quake. ODO No. I won't leave you.