STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - REV. 11/18/94 - ACT THREE 27. 32 CONTINUED: DAX (surprised) Nog? SISKO He's asked for a recommendation to Starfleet Academy. DAX (even more surprised) Nog. SISKO My reaction exactly. DAX I've always thought it would be interesting to have a Ferengi in Starfleet, but Nog? SISKO I know it seems unlikely, but before I make up my mind, I want to give him a chance to prove himself. DAX Commander, there's a lot of valuable equipment in Cargo Bay Twelve. SISKO I know. DAX Maybe I'd better assign a couple of crewmembers to... assist him. Meaning she doesn't trust Nog for a second. SISKO No. I want him to do it alone. No help. No interference. And no one looking over his shoulder. Dax thinks about this for a second, then nods. She sees what he's getting at. 33 INT. CAVERN CHAMBER The crystal formation is now up to Kira's waist.