STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - REV. 11/21/94 - ACT TWO 22A. 26 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE Deep Space Nine should receive the probe's distress signal in approximately two days. Odo slumps back in his chair, defeated. CUT TO: 27 INT. CAVERN CORRIDOR Odo's on his way to rejoin when he hears the SOUND of phaser fire. He rushes down the corridor. 28 INT. CAVERN CHAMBER Odo rushes into the central chamber to find Kira, safe and sound, but with both legs entirely covered in crystal. ODO (relieved) Kira... I heard phaser fire. KIRA You just missed our friend. He came out of that tunnel. (she points) I think he was as surprised as I was. He fired at me from over there, but when I shot back he ran off down the tunnel.