41:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - 11/17/94 - ACT TWO 22. 26 CONTINUED: ODO Can you compensate for the interference by using pattern enhancers? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. Pattern enhancers will not function in a polarized ionization field. ODO Is there any way to achieve a transporter lock in this kind of ionization field? COMPUTER VOICE Negative. Odo looks at the control panel in frustration. ODO Computer, send out a priority one distress signal to Deep Space Nine. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. Communications systems are inoperable due to atmospheric interference. ODO (not giving up) In that case, launch a communications probe and instruct it to begin a continuous broadcast of our whereabouts as soon as it clears the atmosphere. COMPUTER VOICE Working. After a beat, there's the SOUND of the probe launching and a small ship shake. COMPUTER VOICE Probe launch confirmed. ODO Computer, given ideal conditions, how soon can we expect help from Deep Space Nine?