49:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - REV. 11/21/94 - ACT TWO 21. 24 CONTINUED: (2) NOG Because it's personal. Now stop asking me. JAKE All right. But my father's a pretty smart guy. If this is some kind of trick, he's going to figure it out. NOG There's nothing to figure out. I'm going to join Starfleet. And that's that. (looks back at the replicator) Now if you don't mind, I have work to do. Nog resumes working on the replicator. Jake looks at him for a beat, not sure what to make of his friend's newfound conviction, then gives up and EXITS. Nog turns and watches Jake go, a look of determination on his face. 25 EXT. MOON (MATTE) Establishing shot of the runabout on the surface of a windswept moon. 26 INT. MEKONG Odo has just sat down at the controls. The sound of a hard, fierce wind can be heard outside the runabout. He finishes inputting a series of coordinates. ODO Computer, lock onto these coordinates and initiate transport sequence. COMPUTER VOICE Unable to comply. ODO Explain. COMPUTER VOICE The high level of atmospheric ionization is inhibiting transporter lock.