STAR TREK: "Heart of Stone" - REV. 11/18/94 - ACT ONE 13. 15 NEW ANGLE Kira is leaning against an outcropping of wall. Her beacon is in the middle of the room as if she'd dropped it and it'd rolled away. KIRA Odo, am I glad to see you. ODO What's wrong? KIRA (embarrassed) You're not going to believe this... my foot is stuck. ODO Stuck? (makes his way over to her) How? KIRA I don't know. I must've stepped into a fissure or something. I can't get it loose. ODO Let me take a look. Odo kneels down and shines his beacon on Kira's foot. 16 CLOSE ON KIRA'S FOOT (OPTICAL) In the beacon light, we can see that Kira's foot has been encased in some kind of crystalline formation. The crystals sparkle in the beacon light. As Odo watches, the crystal spreads, almost imperceptibly, up to Kira's ankle. 17 CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to this strange sight. ODO It's not a fissure. KIRA Then what is it? ODO Your foot's been encased in some kind of crystal. And from the look of things...