96:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/15/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 42 CONTINUED: KIRA But you can still help him can't you? You can replace the other half of his brain with a positronic matrix. Bashir puts down the PADD. This is clearly deeply troubling him. He looks at Kira as if making up his mind. BASHIR I'm sorry, Nerys. But, this is where it ends. Winn and Kira look up at him. KIRA (worried) What do you mean? BASHIR I won't remove the last shred of whatever humanity Bareil has left. KIRA But it can be done. WINN Perhaps, my child, it's time to listen to Doctor Bashir. Kira whirls on Winn. KIRA Sure, now that you've got your peace treaty and you're assured of a place in history, you don't need Bareil anymore. WINN Believe me child, I share your pain. But I think the Prophets are calling to Bareil. (looks at Bareil) I will see to it that Bajor never forgets him. (beat, then a good- bye) Doctor. Winn EXITS. Kira turns to Bashir, her eyes pleading. KIRA Julian... you can't stop now. You've got to keep going.