DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/10/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 39 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE What I mean is... we spend so much time together... and we seem so much alike... I sometimes forget we're different. NOG I know we're different. Anyone who would talk to a female with such fawning respect is no Ferengi. It made me sick. JAKE You want to talk about sick? Sick is making Riska cut up your food for you. NOG At least I didn't have her chew it for me. JAKE Chew it? NOG That's right. In traditional Ferengi homes, the female softens the food with her teeth before serving it to the male. JAKE That is disgusting. NOG I knew you'd react that way, which is why I didn't ask her to do it. JAKE Well, do you have any other disgusting Ferengi customs I should know about? NOG Plenty. And you have plenty of human customs that disgust me. JAKE Great. So we both disgust each other. You know, as we get older, this is just going to get worse. But I know one thing... I don't want to lose you as a friend.