DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/15/94 - ACT FIVE 49. 32 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I think she's right, Julian. I think Bareil would want the positronic implant. BASHIR Kira... if I go through with this, the man who wakes up may not be the man you used to know. KIRA I realize that... but I know how important this was to him... and I know he wouldn't just want to be put into stasis indefinitely, waiting for a medical solution that may never come. (beat) Do the operation, Julian. Let him finish what he started. There's a long beat, then Sisko steps forward. SISKO I'd like to talk to the doctor alone for a moment. Kira and Winn EXIT. SISKO I just want you to know that as far as I'm concerned, your word is final in this situation. If you feel it's wrong to proceed with the operation, then that's the way it'll be. Kai Winn can protest all she wants... but I'll support you. BASHIR Thank you. Bashir EXITS. CUT TO: