222:[1,#b],227:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/11/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 27 CONTINUED: WINN You seem to be asking me to lie. BASHIR I'm asking you to free Bareil from his obligations to you. And the only way he'll accept that is if you say he's no longer needed... that you can do this alone. Now, if that's a lie... then so be it. Winn studies him for a moment, Bashir meets her gaze steadily. WINN That doesn't sound like a... Starfleet officer. BASHIR I'm a doctor first. And right now, I'm trying to give my patient his best chance to live. The way to do that is to put him in stasis. Bareil knows that... but his desire to complete these negotiations is so strong that he's forcing me to keep him conscious and mentally alert, even though it may kill him. WINN None of us wants that to happen, Doctor. But unless I'm mistaken... the decision regarding Bareil's treatment is up to him. BASHIR Yes... as the patient, it's his right to make that choice. But I'm asking you to help me change his mind. Winn gets up and paces around the room for a moment. Bashir is pulling out all the stops here in a desperate attempt to sway her. BASHIR (continuing) Eminence... you're the Kai... these are your negotiations... let this be your moment in history. Finish the talks on your own and you won't have to share the credit with anyone.