DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - REV. 11/18/94 - ACT THREE 36. 26 INT. INFIRMARY OR SURGERY Bareil is lying on the biobed, holding a PADD in his hand and trying to concentrate as Winn goes through the problems of the negotiation. Kira is watching Bareil with grave concern. Bareil is in serious pain here... it's hard to think straight, much less to give cogent advice to the demanding Winn. BAREIL Turrel is trying... to get a concession from you that I already... rejected. Tell him the question of... Cardassian property on Bajor was dealt with in the armistice talks four years ago. Don't worry... he'll still pay the reparations. WINN What about this question of mining rights? Bareil tries to concentrate, but he's definitely having trouble putting aside the pain. Bashir ENTERS and goes immediately to check on Bareil. Winn turns and moves to Bashir.