11:[2,#b],180:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Life Support" - 11/10/94 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As before. SISKO (V.O.) Station Log: Supplemental. Legate Turrel has arrived aboard the station to resume the negotiations. Vedek Bareil suggested that I sit in on the talks as an impartial observer, and Kai Winn has agreed. 22 INT. WARDROOM Winn is sitting across the table from LEGATE TURREL, a Cardassian member of the Central Command. Sisko is sitting at the end of the table, between the two of them. Winn is trying to be a diplomat here, but her deep-seated hatred of the Cardassians is still bleeding through. For his part, Turrel has no love for Winn and is contemptuous of her lack of diplomatic skills. Sisko is trying his best to keep the discussions moving. TURREL (patient) Perhaps you didn't hear me. There are no Bajoran prisoners left in Cardassian hands. Winn glares at him, but manages to restrain her temper. SISKO (quickly) Maybe we should redefine our terms. (to Turrel) Perhaps there are no official prisoners... but could there be a number of, shall we say... detainees? Turrel takes that in for a moment. TURREL (brusque) There are, of course, people being detained in the Justice Ministry for crimes against the state.